Monday, June 23, 2008

The Great Unknown

I feel like there is something missing in my life. I have no idea what. I have just had this strange sense lately that there is some great void in my life. It leaves me feeling empty and sad. I eat chocolate and yet this does not ease the emptiness (strange that!)

I guess it will become clear at some point. Maybe I am just missing somebody. The universe has plans, I am certain. I hope it makes it's self known pretty soon. My waist is expanding by the hour and I don't like it!

I sit in my bedroom of an evening and feel empty and lost. My magazines and books do not fill the void. I am not in the mood for anything, but don't want to just sit feeling empty and sad. Perhaps there is just something amiss in my bedroom. A little feng shui mishap, or something.

Love to you all (whoever may read this!)


Anonymous said...

sounds like you're missing your ex. awww bless. hope it all works out for you two.

thinblueline said...

((( HUG )))

Anonymous said...

We all have a God shaped vacume in our lives that can only be filled by God. We may try to fill it with other things: eating, sex, shopping, etc., but we keep coming back to the emptiness. When you sit and wonder why you are on this earth and do you matter and what on earth is going to happen to you--to you life, you are searching for God. God loves you, He created you--He has a plan for your life. We have been put on this earth to worship God. I am praying that you will open a Bible--I'm sure you can find one, and read about the love of Jesus Christ. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and change your life. You will find joy like no other-- joy in the midst of your circumstances, and while you are making plans to remove yourself from your parent's house. Stop right now and admit that you are a sinner in need of God's saving grace. If you believe that Jesus died to save you of your sin, then you will be saved. Ask God to show you the way to change your situation--be alert to his promptings--sometimes He speaks in a very small, still voice. Get rid of the dark books and the dark music--step into the light of the Word--the Holy Bible.