Sunday, October 04, 2009

Philip DeFranco

In case you are not familiar with this man he does internet blogs and stuff on youtube and his own website and he's kinda famous.
Here is a link to is youtube profile page:
He has a girlfriend and lives in a whole different country to me, but I don't care. I love this man. He's brilliant. Not only that but I want to fuck him. Is that messed up?
I hope not. Anyway, I don't want to spend ages going on about how cool I think he is cause that would make me wierd.
In other news me and my not ex have broken up again cause we have not been able to see each other for weeks. Maybe that's for the best maybe not. Who knows. He initiated it, even though he's still crazy about me. The main reason I tried to get back with him this time was because he got with a new girlfriend and I heard bad stuff about her, so took a dislike to her. I didn't want to see him with a woman like that. That's not as bitchy as it sounds. I have his kids I think I have a say in who he goes out with. Alright I don't, it's none of my business. They are still buddies and she wants to get back with him, so it might happen anyway. Bummer!
I don't know what else to say really. And nobody even cares what I have to say.

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