Friday, June 29, 2007

All things serious (Please read this one!)

Okay so I have something difficult that I have to do and I am having a hard time doing it. So I will start at the beginning. About between three years ten months or four years ago my ex raped me. I have only just reported it to the police. I no longer live in the town where the rape happened. I am happy to go back there to make my statement with the police, but I have the problem of babysitters for my children for the day. It would mean opening up to my parents about it, mostly telling my dad. How can you do something like that? How do I tell my dad that X raped me? The man in question is the father of my children and well known to my parents. They don't particularly like him anyway. My mum knows about it and has said to me that she hopes it doesn't go any further. But he raped me! How can I not be willing to support a prosecution on that? He could very well do it to someone else! My worry is that my dad will have a similar reaction and they will not support my choices in this. I live with my parents and my children at the moment. I have to share this thing with them, but it is so hard to talk about with them. Because of who they are to me. I have no problem telling the police about it now. My biggest regret is that I did not go to them straight away. I was too weak to deal with doing that at that time. But I really wish I had. Now I have to figure out how to tell my dad. I don't think I can do that though. That is like, the hardest thing I've ever had to do. If you have any advice for me that might help please leave a comment for me. Thank you

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